
Friday, 18 November 2011

Christmas Gift Idea

After making her a dress last year, and being pretty pleased with how it turned out. I've been thinking about what to make my granddaughter and her cousin for Christmas this year.

The little Miss is doing Calisthenics, and loves to dance and twirl. So I thought what could be more perfect than making them both a Tutu. So I'd better get to work. I'll post photos when they're done.

In the mean time, here are some photos of last years dress.

I found this tutorial at Create and Delegate which gave me the basic idea.

I tie-dyed the white t-shirt with Turmeric to get that amazing yellow, and dripped ink from an eye dropper onto the wet material for the pink.

That yellow is pure sunshine. It makes me happy.


1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful dress!

    Thanks for the blog visit and lovely comment. xx


Add some Sunshine to my day

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