
About Me

I look for things that are positive and make me feel good.

I love to laugh, and have a silly sense of humour.

I have always had a healthy regard for the environment, and try to be as green as possible.

I don't care if people believe in climate change or not. We cannot keep polluting our world and "think out of mind out of sight". One day that disregard will catch up to us, and I for one, don't want to live on a giant Garbage Dump, or leave one for my grandchildren.

I've always suffered allergies, and it seems as I get older, those allergies get stronger..

Two years ago I stopped wearing Perfume, and will not buy any product that has synthetic fragrance in it if I can help it. They have been proven to disrupt your Endocrine system and are not good for your health.

I use only natural cleaning products and cosmetics and often make my own.

I get incredibly annoyed by the advertising I see every day. Pushing dangerously unhealthy products and lies on consumers, all in the name of Financial gain. I want to see accountability.

I love the Internet and have learnt so much from it.

Yellow is my favourite colour. Closely followed by every other colour.

I hoard art materials of every variety.

I love to create things. It is the one constant in my life that will never change. My Happy Place, where I feel most confident and carefree.

I love being outdoors and feeling the sun on my skin.

And finally, I believe there is magic in the world. We need only look.


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