
Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Minni Ks trip to the Vet

We live close to a golf course, where they have a huge rainwater pond used to water the greens. When it's hot, I like to take my two dogs there for a swim. They absolutely love the water, and we usually spend about half an hour getting soaked. Them and me.
It's about a 45 minute round trip, and since I spent much of my time sitting these days. I need it.

It's Monday, and off we go to the pond. Everything's great, the dogs have a ball. I have a laugh at their antics.
Later that afternoon, I notice Minni is holding her tail strangely. Still later, more of the same, only worse. When hubby comes home, we attempt to to see what is going on. She struggles and whines and scratches and is obviously in distress. So am I. We glimpse something that looks swollen and fiercely red.

We decide a trip to the V.E.T. is needed, and because she seems otherwise well, and it's now after hours. We make an appointment for the next day.

Tuesday rolls around and she's still holding her tail funny and won't let me look.

That afternoon, one little black doggie gets to go for a ride in the car. YIPPPEEEEE. All by herself, no need to share us. Double YIPPEEEE.............. Only; the destination is a real disappointment.

 Poor Minni.

In the end it turned out that the trip wasn't necessary at all. I't seems she must have had a prolapse which had righted itself by the time we got to the vet. We should add more roughage he said.

At least we know there is nothing serious going on, and she has a clean bill of health. Good teeth, ears, eyes, heart, and we know we are doing something right. Not that we needed the extra expense at the moment. Sigh.

She got a jab too, although I'm not a huge advocate of over immunizing, and don't think they need shots every year.

Whats all the fuss about anyway.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

The Never Ending Journal.

Well its nearly the end of November, and

I'm starting to panic just a wee bit.

Christmas is coming...........................Gulp

Last year I started making a journal for my half sister in Europe, and I'm desperately trying to finish it. She has been to Australia a few times, so we have had some time to get to know each other. She is a beautiful person and I wish we'd had the opportunity to grow up together. This is my way of showing her a little bit of my heart, and also a way for us to share our lives. She likes to write. So, my pictures, and photographs, her writing.

I still have work to do, but thought I would share some of the pages I've finished so far, over at the Web of Whimsy .

I love Paper-cuts, and have been trying my hand at it. This original is done on an A3 sized
piece of cartridge. 

The photo of my niece is in my Flickr account where someone suggested she could be a mermaid. 

Oh No! not more snails.
 Couldn't help myself. Sorry (well...... not really).
I attempted some gelatin printing here, and want to do some more. It will have to wait until I have a proper studio to work in again. It's a pain not having somewhere to work properly. My kitchen bench doesn't cut it.

This is by far my favorite.
I've also discovered that I really like the poetry of Henry Van Dyke. Here is a link to his Poem 
So sweet and Perfect for this time of year.

Of course I still have to bind it and decide what I'm going to cover it with. Hard or soft cover.
Should be interesting, having never made a book before.
Fingers crossed :)

Friday, 18 November 2011

Christmas Gift Idea

After making her a dress last year, and being pretty pleased with how it turned out. I've been thinking about what to make my granddaughter and her cousin for Christmas this year.

The little Miss is doing Calisthenics, and loves to dance and twirl. So I thought what could be more perfect than making them both a Tutu. So I'd better get to work. I'll post photos when they're done.

In the mean time, here are some photos of last years dress.

I found this tutorial at Create and Delegate which gave me the basic idea.

I tie-dyed the white t-shirt with Turmeric to get that amazing yellow, and dripped ink from an eye dropper onto the wet material for the pink.

That yellow is pure sunshine. It makes me happy.


Thursday, 10 November 2011

Snaily Days

Last Friday, my granddaughter and I collected some snails from the garden. I had planned to give them to my neighbour, who keeps lizards.  Although I didn't want to knock on the door during the day, as the husband works evenings.  I couldn't leave the creatures in their container on the front step, in the sun. They might only be snails, scourge of many a veggie patch, and; I was sending them to be eaten. I just thought, broiling slowly in a plastic container would be a cruel way to go.

So, they got a reprieve as I released them back into the wilds of my back yard. At least until I speak to the neighbour, about where to leave them.

I know, I know. What a dork!

Anyway. I couldn't resist taking a couple of photos.

And one for this months Whimsy

Have a great day :)

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Pen Sketch Possum

Another quick pen sketch done last month. I used a photo of a Brush Tailed Possum I took while on a weekend trip with a dear friend in 2009 as a reference.

Years ago, we rented in an old house, in an old suburb that was becoming popular again. So, as the developers were knocking down the homes around us, ours became a  magnet for all the creatures they displaced.

Noisy little critters I might add. I cant even begin to describe the horrible sound they make when they fight among themselves. Scared the life out of me the first time I heard it.

By the time we had to move, there were five living in various places in our roof and garage. No small thing, considering they are solitary, and territorial by nature.

There was a small entry area at the back door, overhung with branches, where we started feeding the little female, fruit. Bananas and sultanas were a favorite.

Much to our delight, she would come down and take our offerings from our fingers. She even let me touch her one day. I've never in my life felt anything, so thick and soft as her coat.

Of course, in the end that house was redeveloped too, and I still wonder what became of all those Possums.
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