
Monday, 31 October 2011

Another Tangent

I don't know about anybody else but I never feel like I have enough time. These days I am at home, and I still feel short of time. In fact, even more so than when I was working full time. Go figure.

Mind you, it doesn't help any that I take forever to write even the simplest post for this blog. Which is in fact one of the reasons I started blogging in the first place.

To get over an irrational fear that someone somewhere might not like what I say, or god forbid, someone has picked up on the fact that I know next to nothing about the rules of grammar.
That if I'm flawed in any way, People might not like me. Must be perfect...must be liked............must be......

 I even signed up to the daily writing tips blog.
Yet more than half the time, I don't open the emails they send. I'm too busy reading everything else?  burnt out? on reading overload? couldn't be bothered?  going off on a tangent? ( now that's something my hubby does, not me :D)


Don't get me wrong I'm no dummy either.





Struggling with the same sorts of insecurities as the rest of humanity.

Maybe I should simply stop worrying and post the post already.

What was I saying?

Oh yes!!!!

Imperfectness, is not an affliction.

Hope the sun is shining on your part of the world. :)


  1. Hello! Yeah, we totally beat ourselves up. Women, particularly. I know it wouldn't help to tell you not to worry so much because your writing is great! Gets the point across, has personality, is clear. I like it! (I realize I am an internet stranger... but you have visited my blog and therefore I am slightly *less* a stranger than most of the internet.)

    And anyway, what if you did make a typo? You could fix it quite easily, for one thing. You certainly do not strike me as the type to make any kind of grossly embarrassing "error". What would that be, anyway? Accidentally posting your shopping list with female products on it? :D

    [Complete disclosure: Yes, once in a while a few, specific, common spelling issues rub me a teeny bit sideways (you're-your, for instance). But mostly I just care about the substance. Really!]

    As for time, lately it feels crazy. I think joining Illustration Friday recently contributes to that because it is a weekly challenge with hundreds of entries! And I have been trying to visit tons of the blogs. (And have found some really cool one!) But eventually I will need more sleep. :)

  2. (See! A typo! I meant to say I have found some really cool *ones*!)

  3. Hey Cindy, thank you for your encouraging words. Writing is not my strongest point, and I can be ridiculously insecure about it.

    I know exactly what you mean about getting caught up visiting blogs. I'm the same. There are so many amazing people, and things out there. I literally have to stop myself from spending too much time blog surfing.


Add some Sunshine to my day

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