
Thursday, 29 September 2011

Define Moping.

Mope:  verb, moped, mop-ing, noun
verb (used without object)
to be sunk in dejection or listless apathy; sulk; brood

Today, is one of those days when I  I'd like to take a vacation from myself. When I want the world to just Shut, Up, and go away!!!!!

I want nothing more than to crawl back into bed, and pretend nothing exists. Especially, the thoughts floating around in my head.  I want to wallow in self pity and have a big whine about how bad I'm feeling.

And then I think.

Get A Grip, and get some Perspective

I have so many wonderful things, qualities, people, to be thankful for. When I add them up they far out- weigh the negatives in my life.

There are so many others less fortunate than myself.

Why am I moping?

My life may not be perfect. So what!

My Life is GREAT.


  1. Hahahaha! I have had a day like that today! I had a meeting this morning that went on way too long, and I could hardly wait to get home and just MOPE! Tomorrow will be a GOOD day!!!

  2. well I'm glad you snapped out of it. We all have days like this, but no sense in wasting valuable time feeling sorry for yourself. ;)

    this is so cute, what a great post.


Add some Sunshine to my day

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